Few cities in the world have a village right in the middle of the capital city & Kuala Lumpur has Kampung Baru just a stone’s throw away from the city centre.

Reached easily by the LRT, Kampung Baru is very much a still lived in village. Which is probably the reason why it has still managed to survive to this day.

It also hosts one of the best Ramadhan Bazaar in the cities.

On 9th July we visited the bazaar & tried the Roti Goreng McGyver which can only be found at this bazaar.

Also other specialities we tried were Roti Tempayan (a fluffier & sweeter version of the Roti Canai), roti jala & of course, murtabaks, a staple at Ramadhan bazaars.

We also saw some old houses & enjoyed the atmosphere full of smiles & warmth of the people from Kak Enon who showed us the rendang she had painstakingly prepared to the owners of the Roti Goreng Mcgyver stall who told us they had named the dish because of their love of the ‘80s show.

All in all, a bazaar not to be missed not only for the food but also for the visual treat of seeing the twin towers from a village setting with old houses.

Must try:

Roti Goreng McGyver, murtabak, otak otak